Thursday, April 5, 2007

Favorite webs

Hi everyone, this is Melanie writing again. During the last quarter of my senior year, the hygiene program at The Ohio State University concentrates on researching clinical as well as manufacturing dental equipment. The most recent web sites for me to continually net working in to to ADA association. www. The second site that I continually find myself resourcing their information is the ADHA. http://www.adha/. The third web site that provides me with peer reviewed dental information as well as other professionals of the dental staff inquiring a topic in the Ohio State Dental Board.
I know that my web sites are oh so much fun, but they have been a lifesaver in finding research for my profession to be.
I have reviewed living proof 007 during last weeks blog.


KrysMcc said...

Hi Melanie,

I find myself looking at more research based websites than fun ones!! It seems like you are almost done with the dental hygiene program! When do you take the State Dental Board exam? Good Luck and keep studying!

Brad Pierce said...

Isn't that the entire point of the web, to help make information more available. I constantly use the web at work for research and information. I always have to monitor my usage to make sure I'm not just surfing and that I can justify my time. (They keep firing people for inappropriate web use and it seems like the quiet old farts that are looking at porn on the clock.)

t said...

Hey...this is cool. My sister is a dental assistant-she might find this stuff interesting. Thanks!